Motorcycle equipment in Morocco Helmet mandatory…
or not Beware of speeders!!!

We strongly advise you to put on your helmet and lock it, to put on a fluorescent vest to be visible, to ride with full headlights during the day, of course gloves, boots and a padded jacket

There is a whole world between the rules of the road and the behavior of the inhabitants. Non-respect of speed limits, overtaking on the right, no entry, blown red lights… Driving in Morocco and particularly in the big cities, can be risky and requires even more vigilance than usual, personally I am very also pay attention to the asphalt in case there is oil, motor oil, small pebbles… which can cause you to slip. Also in roundabouts people don’t stay in their lines and this not just in Morocco but all over the world

What is mandatory?

Helmets have been compulsory for many years for motorcyclists and their passengers. This does not mean that this law is respected and the number of deaths of moped riders is higher than in Europe despite a lower number of inhabitants and vehicles per country. Given the dangerous driving in the country and the condition of the roads, it is more than recommended to wear your helmet to avoid any injury. In the car, seat belts are mandatory.

The outfit to adopt

Throughout the country, except in the mountains, breathable clothing is essential for a good part of the year in view of the heat observed. During the fall and spring, we will opt for a combination that is also waterproof to face the showers. If you venture into the desert, you will also need to equip yourself with a mask to protect your face knowing that you can go from 0 C to 30 C in one day going from the mountains to the desert


To ride with peace of mind, don’t forget to bring a bottle of water (or a camelbak ideally) and a spare gas can. It is also advisable to equip yourself with a map and/or a GPS and a first aid kit in the event of an accident. The aim of these tips is for you to have the safest stay with the least amount of hassle possible Personally, I have been riding a motorbike and car in Morocco for years without any accidents or fines.

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