The best emergency braking

The best emergency braking is the one the motorcyclist avoids. Anticipating the risks as much as possible, riding at a safe speed and maintaining safety margins around the motorcycle greatly reduces the risk of having to brake urgently. Actions for emergency braking: 1- What to do: Release the throttle grip For what ? The drop […]

Three rules for emergency braking in a curve

Release the gas before entering a curve if you are going too fast slow down, once in the curve if you notice that you are still going too fast or that you are coming out towards the direction or the opposite shoulder, tilt the motorcycle more towards the on the inside of your curve, especially […]

Traffic regulations in Morocco

Dangerous motorcycle traffic and poorly enforced regulations A biker must above all drive for himself and for others, vigilance, anticipation and calm are the key to avoiding accidents, excess or lack of confidence and fatigue can play tricks on us. The majority of motorcycle accidents come from the lack of attention of motorists but also […]

motorcycling precaution in Morocco

Before venturing onto the slopes, it is better to plan your route well and not venture blindly. It is also advisable to refuel as soon as possible to avoid breakdowns or to have an extra 5L can of gasoline. (If you consume 5L per 100 on the road or rolling track, tell yourself that it […]

11 rules for safe motorcycling in Morocco

1. Always alert Following the rules, staying in your own lane or even your side of the road is not enough. You must keep your eyes wide open at all times by swiping right/left and looking down the road at all times. To protect you while driving. Stagger and keep more space between your motorcycle […]
