The asphalt in the roundabouts (Roundabouts) are not up to standard in my personal opinion because they are too smooth, add to that the oil, fuel oil and the liquid that comes out of the garbage trucks…accelerate gradually and do not brake suddenly , Roundabouts have been popping up all over this country in recent years. Some of them give the right of way to cars that have already entered the roundabout while others give the right of way to those who are re-entering. You should watch for signs on entry roads. If there is a stop sign or a yield sign, it means those who have already entered the roundabout have the right of way, but if there is no sign, then drivers on the roads input have priority. Sometimes there would be traffic lights at the entrance roads, which indicate that they have the right of way. Sometimes the police will also stand next to a roundabout to see if you are giving way or not.