Terms & Conditions

Saba Tours General Terms and Conditions

Commercial name: Saba tours 

Activity: Rental activities

SARLAU with a capital of 100,000 DH

Headquarters: 59 Résidence Moulay Abdelaaziz, Bd Moulay Abdelaaziz Kenitra, Morocco

Limits of liability

SABA TOURS is not responsible:

Breaches, illegal acts, wrongdoing by hoteliers and other service providers, as well as their employees and agents causing damage to participants, their luggage and personal belongings.

In the event of interruption or cancellation of the trip caused by incidents of force majeure (Flood, war, revolt, disaster, epidemic, etc.) SABA TOURS will not assume the costs and reimbursement caused by these incidents.

In the event of conflicts or troubles arising in the countries crossed, SABA TOURS will not be responsible for the impossibility of honoring all or part of the services.

SABA TOURS is not responsible for any loss, theft, body injury or material damage that may occur during the trip, the participant agrees to waive civil or criminal recourse against SABA TOURS.

Under no circumstances, SABA TOURS can be held responsible in the event of a traffic accident or incidents due to external factors (climatic incidents, bad road conditions, stray animals, natural disasters).

SABA TOURS will not be responsible for the non-payment of participant extras, for any damage or degradation that these may cause during the trip, for the tickets for which the participants would be responsible, all these costs being the sole responsibility of the participant.

Obligations of the participant

He or She refer to the participant. 

The participant is totally responsible for his own safety and that of his relatives accompanying him.

The participant must respect the rules, customs and laws in place in the countries visited.

It is forbidden to: Bring a drone (Customs will confiscate it if they see it), film sensitive areas (military, public administration, border area…)

In the event of a transgression, the participant will be solely responsible, in particular if he fails to wear a helmet (for motorcyclists) or in the event of use, possession or transport of narcotics, as well as in the event of driving while intoxicated by alcohol or other substances.

He or she undertakes to respect the speed limits and safety rules in force in the country.

He or she must be accustomed to the practice of his vehicle and be able to drive for an extended period.

We own our fleet and we take care of it and expect you to do the same. 

In case we have to rent the motorcycle from other agencies we will let you know…

Administrative formalities

The participant must provide the following documents: 

A valid driver’s license.

Valid identity card for European countries and valid passport for countries outside Europe.

If the customer brings his own vehicle: Vehicle registration document, and if he is not the owner, a signed authorization from the owner.

If the customer brings his own vehicle Insurance certificate (green card) mentioning that the country visited is indeed in the countries covered by his insurance company (especially for Morocco).

The participant must make sure his insurance covers medical repatriation, he must ensure that his insurance provides for sanitary repatriation.


Data used

When you use our contact form, your personal data is collected.

This data simply allows us to identify you and facilitate contact. Therefore, the user provides his information in full knowledge of the facts.

Data transfer

The manager of the website, undertakes not to transfer or sell your personal information to third parties, nor to use it for purposes not intended.

Your rights

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, you have the rights: to access, modify and delete your personal data.

Social networks

The site may rely on certain services offered by third-party sites to improve the interactivity of the site. These include:

Sharing buttons ( X Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google +).

Lists of tweets and Facebook posts.

Videos posted on the site (Youtube).

This website has no influence on how these third-party sites use your personal data. Therefore, you are invited to refer to their privacy policy.

X – Privacy Policy (Link)

Facebook – Privacy Policy (Link)

Google – Privacy Policy (Link)

LinkedIn – Privacy Policy (Link)

Instagram (Link)

WhatsApp (Link)

TikTok (Link)

Special conditions of sale


– Saba Tours reserves the right to modify the activities at any time, as well as the route of the circuit depending on weather conditions and particular events that may occur. This is in order to always control the safety of the participants throughout the stay.

– Saba Tours cannot be held responsible for climatic conditions, and in particular in the event of natural disasters (floods, tornadoes, etc.).

– Any disrespectful behavior towards the property of others as well as local people may be sanctioned by the expulsion of the pilot.

– Alcohol is dangerous on the handlebars. No alcohol is provided during meals during the stay. The guide reserves the right not to accept a pilot on the hike if he considers that his condition does not allow him to ride safely. 

– Driving a motorcycle or trike requires skills and knowledge. Any customer considered unfit or unable to control the rented vehicle will be stopped by management and will have to rent a car at their own expense if they wish to continue their journey. In the event of refusal, the client will be offered repatriation at his own expense without the client being able to exercise subsequent recourse.

– The head of the group will have all the authority to warn the management of the agency and indicate the reasons for his decision. The same will apply to people who have masked or voluntarily concealed their state of health. A motorcycle trip remains physical, requiring preparation and a good state of health

Guided tours

You can register for one of our guided tours offered on our website. The total price including VAT of your trip will be that published on our website or our brochures (excluding your personal repatriation insurance) depending on the dates of your trip. You can request a registration form by WhatsApp/Messenger, telephone, email or by one of the forms on our websites. The registration form will then be sent to you after verification by us of availability. You may want to privatize the trip with the people of your choice. In this case, you must contact us to establish an estimate.

Tailor-made trips and stays

Saba Tours offers you to build your trip according to your desires

Contact the SABA TOURS team for suggestions of destinations, themes or itineraries according to your budget. To obtain your personalized travel program, you must submit your quote request by WhatsApp/Messenger, telephone, email or by one of the forms on our websites. If the validity period of your estimate is exceeded, SABA TOURS  is at your disposal to establish a new estimate for your trip if certain terms, in particular tariffs, should be modified. As soon as you accept this quote, within its period of validity, you can register using the registration form. The price of à la carte or personalized trips is established on a case-by-case basis. The details of the services included will be communicated to you when the estimate or the preliminary registration form is drawn up.


Prices are in euros, all taxes included.

They include the services listed on the estimate, the invoice. The price of the trip or stay is imperative that which appears on this service at the time of registration.

No dispute concerning the price of the stay can be taken into consideration upon return. It is up to the customer to assess before his departure if the price suits him.

However, these prices are subject to readjustment in the event of a significant change concerning, for example, fuel price increase, exchange rate variations, significant increase in hotel prices, the exchange rate applied to the trip or stay concerned.

The standings of accommodation get along in local standards.

Breakfasts, when included in the services, are for the day after one night’s accommodation

Modifications by the client before departure

Any modification made by the customer before departure will not incur any costs if the following elements are maintained:

No modification of departure and return date as well as routing

Place of destination and type of accommodation without change.

Any other modification not falling within the cases mentioned above will be considered as a cancellation and incur cost 

Registration details


Registration for a trip is made through the rent/ registration form.

It implies the acceptance of the general and specific conditions

The customer must complete the online booking form (1 per person) on our website Morocco-Rides.com

 or simply contact us by WhatsApp or messenger

Assignment of contract

The assignor(s) must imperatively inform SABA TOURS of the assignment of the contract at the latest seven days before the departure date, indicating precisely the surname(s), first name(s) and address (es). s) of the transferee(s) and of the participants in the trip, justifying that they meet the same conditions as him to make the trip or stay.

Requirements for registration

The customer participating in an activity organized by SABA TOURS undertakes:

– To be at least 25 years old, to inform us of any health problem that may affect their trip (chronic illness, you must notify us in advance of any chronic illness or allergy you suffer from)

– T o have a valid driver’s license for the motorcycle driven for more than 2 years.

– To respect the traffic laws and the legislation in force in the country(ies) crossed and cannot hold SABA TOURS responsible for the consequences of non-compliance with the laws.

In case you bring your own vehicle, to have it in good condition which recently received a major overhaul. Under no circumstances can the organization of “SABA TOURS” be held responsible for the malfunction of the said vehicle. Any mechanical breakdown can in no way modify the progress of the program of stays. Nor can a refund or compensation for the sums paid be demanded for the reasons mentioned above.

– To have taken out insurance with sufficient guarantees for the period of the trip and to have a driver’s guarantee for bodily injury. The absence or insufficiency of insurance cannot be a reason for liability against “SABA TOURS”.

– To have read the level of difficulty of the motorcycle routes, and the level of skill required. He judges that he is able to perform them, and in no case can he hold SABA TOURS responsible for a possible fall or other inconvenience arising from an overestimation of his own ability to drive and control his vehicle. Given the specificities of motorcycle driving, the customer driver is deemed to be able to present all guarantees in terms of anticipation and foresight of the risks of traffic accidents, and therefore could not hold SABA TOURS responsible for a possible accident with a third party, (SABA TOURS or another group participant)

Duration of trips

Are included in the duration of the trips:

  • The day of departure from the time of convocation
  • The day of return until the time of arrival

Our prices are calculated based on a number of nights and not full days.


Once the renter has approved your reservation, he guarantees that the vehicle is booked for your future rental. The vehicle cannot therefore be booked by another rider. Knowing this, the cancellation conditions are designed in such a way as to avoid penalizing either the renter or the rider (you) and to compensate for any expenses.
